Tax Consulting
We’re here to focus on your “Taxes” while you focus on your life and business.
- Estrategya’s International Tax professionals offer services that help multinational companies align their tax strategies to their business, through a wide variety of compliance and advisory services.
- Estrategya’s international tax consultants provide an extensive range of services to help multinational organizations meet their inbound and outbound tax requirements. These professionals offer international tax planning, compliance, and advisory services to ensure that tax practices meet defined business outcomes.
- In light of today’s dynamic global economic environment and recent legislative changes, assessing a multinational’s global business model may no longer be an optional exercise. Estrategya team provides high quality, customized tax and business model transformation services. We particularly specialize in the areas of global supply chain and intellectual property, seeking to align business objectives with tax minimization. Our goal is to help multinationals integrate their operational and tax planning in a scalable and sustainable way to enable business leaders to make more effective decisions on an after-tax basis.
- As companies expand globally, their global tax and treasury strategies need to become more integrated, flexible and sustainable. Our dedicated team has the knowledge and experience to explore ways to help you take your global tax and treasury strategy to the next level. We can help you formulate, implement, and monitor a new approach that aligns your global tax and treasury strategies with your business objectives.
- Tax departments of multinational businesses face formidable challenges coping with the profusion of compliance requirements imposed by the countries in which they operate. The increasing number of rules, more rigorous enforcement by tax authorities and staffing constraints compound these challenges. Estrategya offers efficient, cost-effective compliance services including co-sourcing and outsourcing options and a proven suite of integrated tax technologies that provide benefits throughout the life cycle of the organization. We help multinationals gain greater confidence in their level of compliance through improved data management and by determining data integrity and accuracy. We help manage risk, provide more timely and transparent reporting and improve overall compliance efficiency by automating and systematizing routine and repetitive tasks.