From Innovation Ecosystems to Startup Ecosystems Global Megatrends In Ecosystem Developments

Transition Factors

From past

  • Simple linear world
  • Closed, expensive and less creative pressure or freedom
  • Dependency on “hosts & gatekeepers”
  • About ideas, invention and research by big companies creating most actual innovations (mainly due cost factors)
  • Old models are already working “at their best level” and are difficult to significantly improve, so markets seek for “next level” solutions
  • Minimal innovation impact achieved by outsider strategies and methods (customer development)
  • Innovation requires for someone to take initiative with commitment to make it happen


Today and Future

  • Non-linear, globally networked world
  • Free & cheap technology, platforms, infra & go to market channels
  • Innovation via startups fast, flexible, highly motivated, cost effective, supported by private and public parties
  • Innovation process is more open and more exposed to true market validation
  • Smart big companies are moving towards open innovation
  • Working together and acquiring most potential startup and talent
  • Startups are “outsourced innovation” for big companies, just like app developers are for software platforms (iOS, Android, etc.)
  • Startups and innovative SME’s our biggest job creators

Dynamic startup ecosystems breed new startups that create 2/3 of new jobs, attract international talent and foreign direct investments. Network connectivity within and between the ecosystems is the single most important contributor to growth.


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